Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sleepy Bear and Moosey-Moose Read SCAREDY SQUIRREL MAKES A FRIEND

Hi Book Buddies!

Today I’m reading SCAREDY SQUIRREL MAKES A FRIEND by Melanie Watts.  I’m reading with my new Best Book Buddy, Thorndyke.  He is all the way in Canton, Michigan.  He has invited all his book buddies at his library where he lives to join him.  I hope they write to me.

Sleepy Bear Reads to Moosey-Moose - Day 1

I invited my best friend, Moosey-Moose to join me here.

I made us both a cup of hot cocoa with goo-gobs of whippy cream!

It’s really cold in Seattle and the weather man said it will snow later today.  This is the best perfect day!  Spending it with new friends, old friends, reading together and drinking hot cocoa to stay warm.

Your Book Buddy,

Sleepy Bear

1 comment:

Thorndyke said...

HI Sleepy Bear! This is Thorndyke and his friends in Canton! :) We just finished reading Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend. I have a friend named Harry here with me. We want to know, if you liked the book! :)