Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sleepy Bear's Book Club for Girls with Mockingbird Books - Week 2

Hello Book Buddies,

I really like the Babymouse books! So far I have read SKATER GIRL, OUR HERO, QUEEN OF THE WORLD!, and ROCK STAR. Kathleen is in the middle of reading MONSTER MASH. The cover on that one is really different. The colors are orange and black and Babymouse is dressed up like a mummy. Do you know about mummies? That would be a fun research project!

OK, back to Babymouse. One of my favorite parts in SKATER GIRL is on pages 48 -51 when a leprechaun tricks Babymouse and makes her fall into a pile of slime. Except, I think that was only in Babymouse''s imagination. I agree, she really should get a new locker at school.

My most favorite part is on page 54 when Babymouse falls on the ice AGAIN. But she decides to stay lying down to save time. I should try that at home. I will tell Kathleen that I'm going to stay in bed and sleep so I can save time going to sleep again. I wonder what Kathleen will say. What do you think?

Kathleen says she will tell me later today about her favorite parts of MONSTER MASH so be sure to check back this afternoon to read more about Babymouse.

I hope to read some of your comments, too.

Your Book Buddy,

Sleepy Bear


Anonymous said...

Hi sleepbear.This month we are woking fairytales books.Did mrshunther tell you about the fairiytalis books did she show as?
I will tell you the books did i read is robanzo,cendearela,hennypenny,hanse-land gretel

Anonymous said...

yah i can hear the birds to it bothers me well by for now chalise