Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sleepy Bear Answers His Mail

Hi Friends,

Thank you for writing to me. I loooove getting blog comments.

I will try my best to answer all your questions.

One person asked me if I will have a summer blog. Absolutely! I like that word. Anyway, I plan to blog all summer long. And, I will my book clubs, too. Then, when you return to school in you can tell your teacher about all the great books you read.

I don't know if I will go any place this summer. I might want to stay home and sip ice cold chocolate milk with whippy cream and read and sleep. I know Moosey-Moose wants to go on an adventure. He always gets into lots of mischief.

The boys want to have their own book club. And someone suggested BONE. Well, that is a great idea. When should we start and which book should we read first?

OK, one last question. Someone asked me if I was ever in a little league baseball team. No. I'm not very good at sports. Moosey-Moose is the one who likes to run around and get dirty and scraped.

Well, watch for my blog tomorrow about more BABYMOUSE.

Bye for now,

Sleepy Bear

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi sleepy bear I think we should start on monday and read number 1 out from bone ville sincerly, eric