Monday, March 5, 2012

The Wait Is Over!

Hi Book Buddies,

The long wait is over! Kathleen said it was not that long. But it felt like FOREVER! I always get impatient when I’m waiting for a new book.

The Wait Is Over!


I drank two cups of hot cocoa with goo-gobs of whippy cream waiting for my new book.



Sleepy Bear Introduces His New Book


The name of the book is The Other Half of My Heart. The author is my new friend, Sundee Frazier.



Autograph Page

Look! Ms. Frazier autographed my book! It says, “Sisters come in ALL colors!” Friends come in all colors, too.





This is the story of two twin sisters who are very different but very alike, too. They have bi-racial parents. I had to ask Kathleen what that means. She said in this story one parent is black and the other parent is white and so are the twin girls.

The sisters go to visit their grandmother in the South and it is very challenging for them. Kathleen told me that not all people like people who look different. I look very different from Moosey-Moose but he’s my best friend! Hey, friends come in all colors, too! I hope the two sisters in this book stay best friends.

I’m going to start reading my new book now. I hope you check back later.

Your Book Buddy,

Sleepy Bear

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