Monday, March 26, 2012

Sleepy Bear Finishes His Book!

Hi Book Buddies,

Whew! I finally finished reading, The Other Half of My Heart, by Sundee T. Frazier. It was a little bit challenging for me. Good thing I have my reading and writing teacher, Kathleen, to help me with tricky words. And some things in the story I didn’t understand. Like, bi-racial and prejudice.

The first word, bi-racial, means “two races” but not like the running kind. It’s the kind that means what you are. My race is brown bear. Moosey-Moose’s is brown moose. Kathleen said hers is a big mix!

The second word, prejudice, means when you believe something one way before you know the facts.

I’m glad for Minnie and Keira in the end. I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I did!

Now, what to read next?

Your Book Buddy,

Sleepy Bear

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