Friday, April 8, 2011

Sleepy Bear Answers His Mail

Hi Book Buddies,

Mrs. A.’s class asked me two test questions about the June B. Jones book I just read. 

Answer to question number one:  Hmmm, does June B. yell a lot?  Yes!  She has temper tantrums.  At first I thought she was bratty.  Well, I still think she is bratty.  Do you agree?

Answer to question number two:  Yes, June B. does go to the bathroom in the first book.  I was afraid she might not make it to the bathroom and she might have an accident.  That happened to me once.  I was reading a good book and drinking my hot cocoa with goo gobs of whippy cream and then all of a sudden  I had to go to the bathroom.! Lucky for me I was at home so I didn’t have an accident.

I’m going to start reading the second Junie B. Jones book.  If you have read that one, maybe you can ask me  some more test questions.  I like to check how much I understand and remember what I read.  Sometimes, it’s more fun if someone asks me questions, too.

Bye for now,

Sleepy Bear


Aiyah said...

sleepy bear are you going to read the 2 book called junie b. big mouth.
i got a question what is junie b jones worst enemy in stupid smelly bus now that that is a test.
why do they call you sleepy bear for some reason, i have a prediction that they call you sleepy bear because you are always tired. mrs. a taught us how to do mental math and two part addition and subtraction and a turn- around fact. well got to go sleepy bear, love book buddie.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am from Mrs. A's classroom! And I forgot the second book. would you please write back to me? Because if you tell me I can ask some test questions!
A Student