This weekend I sat down with a bunch of books and finally chose one for my next book club. I chose KNEEKNOCK RISE by Natalie Babbitt. It's a fable which means it's a short story with a lesson. And another thing, this book won the Newberry Honor Award in 1971. That means it won second place as a very good book in children's literature. That sounds very important and means the book is extra special.
Already I can't wait to find out what is causing the voices from the mountain. Will Egan find out? Isn't he scared? Well, let's read chapters 1 and 2 this week. Oh, remember to write down your refrigerator words.
Your Book Buddy,
Sleepy Bear
Hi Sleepy Bear.Do you like the book?Fome liz
Hi there, sleepy bear how are you and the kneeknock rise is the greatest book for us to read and you had choose the greatest book for your book club and what chapter are you on right now and if you know then tell me when you are on okay so bye for now gotta go
kneeknoc rise is the great book for us!
Hi Sleepy Bear we are reading Kneeknock Rise too!We are reading it for read aloud.We only read it when Mrs.Hunter is there with us. But now Mrs.Hunter is not here.We have a subsatute.What chapter are you on?bye
Hi there sleepy bear how are you
so where do you live with Mrs.Hunter or MooseyMoose.
Dear Sleepy bear
its all most spring and its snowing outside that is realy strange right when my sister saw the snow she said I yern to stay home to day becuse its snowy outside and thers no scool today and my mom said you are going to school even if its snowy becuse t her is school today ok! by mom! by mom!
Hi,there SleeepyBear how are you.So when are you going to go to San Diego again, and I bet its going to be very fun over there.So I was saying that when are you going to go to san diego again huh?
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