I feel very sad for the elephant. I think Peter is right about her needing to go home because her heart is broken. It is the same for Adele, too. But will Peter be able to help both of them?
Peter is very lucky to have Leo Matienne and his wife for friends. They all believe in Peter and want to help him rescue the elephant and Adele. I have a prediction. I predict that Leo and his wife will adopt Peter and Adele.
Do you think the magician will be able to "undo" his magic? Have you ever had to undo something because you made a mistake the first time? Write to me and let me know.
I hope you are enjoying the story as much as I am!
Your Book Buddy,
Sleepy Bear
Yup,I know I'm sad for the elephat to :'(
Hi Sleepy Bear.What have you been doing this moning?Have you been reading THE MAGICIAN'S ELEPHANT?We have lots of words.Do you have lots of word?Do you like the book?Becaues I do.Form:Lizbeth
Dear Sleepy-Bear were two more
chpaters away from finishing THE MAGICIAN'S ELEPHAT it finnaly started snowing and Peter found Adele.How bout you wwhat chapter are you on please awnser my qusetion.
Dear Sleapy Bear
how are you today we are reading
good so far, Sleapy Bear do like
this book? well bye for now.
Hi Sleepy bear.So do like the book you are reading?I do.
Dear Sleapy Bear,
how are you today do you like the
book you chose for your bookclub
Dear Sleepy Bear,
how are you?Are you haveing fun reading your book called The Magician's Elephant we are reading that book for are read aloud.we are on chapter 19 it is really good so far I like the part when peter finds the elephant and when he lookes in her eyes he knows the elephant is going to die if she stays there that is why she needs to go home
Dear Sleepy Bear,
we just finished The Magician's Elephant for are read aloud it was really good now that I know how it ended but you are still reading the book I will not tell you what will happen when you finish the book can you tell me bye for now
Hi there sleepy bear how are you umm... are you going to be done with the magician elephant cause you know why because i like that book and i want to read it.
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