Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
Hi Bood Buddies,Looky at who I get to spend the day with.
I'm very excited! The Cat in the Hat is going to read with me today! All day! Right now we are reading KNEEKNOCK RISE by Natalie Babbitt. I am on page 54. Egan is just about to go to the Instep Fair. I wonder what he is going to find out about the Megrimum. I think the Megrimum is in every one's imagination.I hope you are doing something special to celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday. Let me know how you are celebrating. Your Book Buddy,Sleepy Bear and The Cat In the Hat
Dear Sleepy Bear,
I think it is the wind and Annebell making the noise.
-Grace M****
Yes,Iam I,m having a party at my school!
Dear Sleepy Bear,
I celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday by joining the party in Mrs. Hunter 3rd grade class. I read The Foot Book aloud. It was a blast!
Mr. Jim
Hi Sleepy Bear how are you?Did you celabrate Dr.Seuss birthday?bye
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