Look at the new book I chose for my book club! Last year we read TIGER RISING by Kate DiCamillo and now she has a new book called THE MAGICIAN'S ELEPHANT. I think you are really going to like this story, too.
The book also has super great illustrations by Yoko Tanaka.
Let's read the first three chapters this week. Let me know how you like the story or if you have questions along the way. I will also write back to let you know about my thinking while I'm reading. Oh, if you need a bookmark, let me know and I can mail to you one of mine.
Your Book Buddy,
Sleepy Bear
Dear sleepy bear i did not know the boy was a orphan.And i did not know he has a sister to. i only read only to page 8
Hi, Sleepy bear. Do you like the book you're reading? From Jason
Hi,Sleepy-Bear how are you doing with your new book?I hope your doing good bye i got to go for health bye bye bye!!!!!!!
hi sleepy ear how are you im great how about you any way umm mrs.hunter told my classmate that you had a new book club of the firs book she told me and its called the magician elephat and i thought that the guy that is on the ground yeah i thought he was the magician and we were all thinking that why was the elephant coming out of the dark sky or in the air
Hi sleepy bear how are you today?I'm a student from Mrs.Hunter's
class she has the book that you are reading right now for your book club called magician's elephant bye for now
Dear, Sleepy Bear me and my class are in chapter 4 and 5 frme JASON
Dear Sleepy Bear how are you today?
Are you reading your book club book becuse i'm from Mrs.Hunters class and we are on chapter 11 and just to let you know that you should start reading more of your book if you want to catch up with us well bye for now
THE MAGICIAN'S ELEPHANT"is a good BOOK! do you like it
Dear Sleepy Bear,
How are you today?Are you reading you book I'm in Mrs.Hunters class and we are reading that book for read aloud and we are on chapter 11 it is really good so far I like the part when peter talks to the Elephant and when he wispers in the elephant's ear and that is the first time he ever reached the elephant and the elephent opens it eyes that was my best part in the book to me but you have your own idea well bye for now
Dear Sleepy Bear,
how are you today?Are you haveing fun reading your book it is really good we are on chapter 18 and I just want to let you know if you want to catch up then you should start reading more of your book club book well bye for now
Dear Seapy Bear,
how are you today? We are reading
wondering if you were done with
it.If You are I can't wait for
your next bookclub!!!
Dear Sleepy Bear how are you have youthe finished The MAGICIANS ELEPHANT i like the book you are very nice
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