Well, I'll give you a couple of days to get a copy of STUART LITTLE before I start asking all kinds of questions and sharing what I'm thinking while I'm reading.
Oh, if you need a bookmark, be sure to let me know and I will mail one to you.
Happy Reading,
Sleepy Bear
Hi there SleepyBear how are you im great but i still think you're sick because i saw a picture of you and i hope you're still not sick because i was going to write you a letter and a littel somthing to put on the letter but now im writting to you and you are alright are you sleepy bear if you are im happy about it okay. anyway umm.... i guess this is it bye. sincerly Vy.
Dear Sleapybear, How are you today, have you heard of fairy realm before, well im on book 6 magic key its geting exiteing im on chapter 9 i am almost done with chapter 9 so anyway has moosey moose read a chapter book to you some day he may be reading chapter books like history books fairy books animal books even geomitry books to. I like geomitry bye. ISAU
hi sleepy bear how are you today what are you doing right now are you with moosey moose if you are tell him that i said hi and tell him i said how are you today are you haveing fun today where are you at the store whell bye for now.
Dear Sleepy-Bear,
I've read stuart little before,
and I dislike the "ending"
it says: "and he headed north,
becusse he felt that margolo
had gone in that direcion"
my favorite ending(s)
is (ARE) at the end of a chapter.
"minnie jhonsen and marie beamed.
nellie just stood intently"
its in a book called long winter,
and nelly olsen flirts with almanzo wilder to get in his buggie
,but LOURA INGALLS gets to,and
loura gets engaged to him!
-grace m.
Dear sleepey bear i need new book mark.p.s I gave you a liitel pouch for you bye.from caleb.
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