Sleepy Bear Cozies Up With His New Scarf
Hi Friends,
Looky at what I have! Well, Moosey-Moose and I both have a new scarf! One of Kathleen's students crocheted it for us. I think she did a fabulous job. All of the stitches are even and the yarn she chose is super soft. I also like the colors. If you look really close you can see an "S" on my side and an "M" on Moosey-Moose's side. She crocheted the letters onto the scarf. I really love my new scarf.Thank you!Your friend,Sleepy Bear
Dear Sleepy bear, i don,t know if i am gonna be at the summer school or go to football camp i just wonna to baseball camp in the summer then maybe i will not be seeing you for then but i don,t know and did you know that i got two trophys one for this year and one for last year it,s really cool to have trophys and did you know that knew times tab les when i was a secend grader and i knew how to tipe when i was in first grade and knew how to read in first grade sincerely kareem
dear sleepybear can i have a book mark .give it to diana.
from sami-dew
Dear Sleepy Bear this is celina and i just wanted to say hello and have i nice day.
P.S today is my brothers B-day.
Hi sleepy-bear how are you?
well i know how did that for you and moosey-moose it was one of my friends zeena:)
Well i went to the new libery that had just opend up and it was huge then i got to get a libery card i had never went to a libery befor it was so cool and i had a good time how much times have you got to go to the libery?
Well i am so happy because only 4 more days untill i leave to california and i am also sad because only 2 more days untill school is out:( but i am still going to crochete:) mabe you can learn how to too:)
HEY Sleepy Bear☺☺☺☺ I like your pictures they are gorgeous!!!!!!!!! and I like the pictures of you and Moosey mooose BY HAVE TO GO FOR FILED DAY BY ANAIIS
Hi sleepy bear I'm reading HOW TO EAT FRIED WORMS Billy he has to
eat 15 worms
Hello Sleepy Bear and this is celina and i just wanted to say that i will miss you so much and i will try to blog to you and Moosey-Moose this summer.And i hope my mom gets a computer this summer.
♥Celina♥ is last day of the school.i will miss to you gusy.have a geart summer.i will miss to you you and mrs hunter
hello sleepy bear my names isau my teacher is ms. hunter soon can you come to are school byebye for know.
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