Today was a perfect day to read outside on my deck. Well, it's not really mine. It belongs to Kathleen. But she likes to read outside so I wanted to try it, too. I could hear the birds chirping in the trees.
Kathleen read MONSTER MASH this afternoon. She read it with one of her students in her classroom. Her student said he liked it. He made some predictions along the way. One was that he thought Felicia Furrypaws was going to play a trick on Babymouse after she invited herself to Babymouse's party. I knew that was not going to be a good idea. I remember what happened in the first book. I don't trust Felicia Furrypaws.
Kathleen says she likes finding out what kind of trouble Babymouse's locker is going to give her each day at school. Kathleen wonders if Babymouse will ever get to turn in her book report. I hope so. I know writing a book report is hard work. I think Babymouse should get credit for that.
Kathleen's student also said that he made a connection with Babymouse. Sometimes he doesn't always make the right choice about who he makes as his friends. He said that Babymouse should have spent Halloween with Wilson instead of trying to be with the popular group that caused trouble. I agree!
Well, I hope you are enjoying Babymouse. I can't wait to read your comments to me.
Bye for now,
Sleepy Bear
Hey sleepy bear its me marisol! So i was to be able to be in your book club! First i read babymouse monster mash! Next im gonna read skater girl! Is it good? I hope so! Because I i meant me want to join in it. Hey sleepy bear did you know that i can type reallly fast? Welll you now now! Well i better go now! My ☻☺ ☻☺ ☺☻,☺☻ ☺☻ ☺☻ ☻☺ my buddy, Marisol
hi sleepy bear we have a book for the boys book club it's called BONE theres a whole series 1 to 9 sincerly, eric
Hi sleepy bear for the boys book club can we read "BONE" it's in a series 1-9 sincerly, eric
Wow that is a lot of books you are reading.I have been wanting to read monster bash.
hi sleepy bear are you going any summer places like californa new york or just texes well i never been to californa? im just saying that are you going to have a summer blog or anything?so how many summer vacaions have you ever had did you know that i am really good at racing well im not really fast as my friend juan ya he's really fast i geuss i need to pratcis more at running and i have lot's of enrchy to climb a mounten so how many years have you had this wonderfull blog? welp i better get goin now so
sincerely kareem
Hi Sleepy Bear this is celina and i just wanted to tell you that Saterday was my birthday and i got a wonderful gift.And it was a adventure kit it was really cool.And it had coloring pages and stamps and stickers. And i had a barbuqe sunday and i was aloud to invite like three friends but i just invited one and her name was Kaelie.And the only reson why i just invited one was because all my other friends were busy or they were gone.But now i have to go.
P.S:i'm making you a coster.So you can put your hot coco on it.
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