Hi Book Buddies,Today was a perfect day to read outside on my deck. Well, it's not really mine. It belongs to Kathleen. But she likes to read outside so I wanted to try it, too. I could hear the birds chirping in the trees.
I'm reading BEACH BABE. So far I like it but I haven't finished it. Kathleen read MONSTER MASH this afternoon. She read it with one of her students in her classroom. Her student said he liked it. He made some predictions along the way. One was that he thought Felicia Furrypaws was going to play a trick on Babymouse after she invited herself to Babymouse's party. I knew that was not going to be a good idea. I remember what happened in the first book. I don't trust Felicia Furrypaws. Kathleen says she likes finding out what kind of trouble Babymouse's locker is going to give her each day at school. Kathleen wonders if Babymouse will ever get to turn in her book report. I hope so. I know writing a book report is hard work. I think Babymouse should get credit for that.Kathleen's student also said that he made a connection with Babymouse. Sometimes he doesn't always make the right choice about who he makes as his friends. He said that Babymouse should have spent Halloween with Wilson instead of trying to be with the popular group that caused trouble. I agree!Well, I hope you are enjoying Babymouse. I can't wait to read your comments to me.Bye for now,Sleepy Bear
Hello Book Buddies,I really like the Babymouse books! So far I have read SKATER GIRL, OUR HERO, QUEEN OF THE WORLD!, and ROCK STAR. Kathleen is in the middle of reading MONSTER MASH. The cover on that one is really different. The colors are orange and black and Babymouse is dressed up like a mummy. Do you know about mummies? That would be a fun research project!OK, back to Babymouse. One of my favorite parts in SKATER GIRL is on pages 48 -51 when a leprechaun tricks Babymouse and makes her fall into a pile of slime. Except, I think that was only in Babymouse''s imagination. I agree, she really should get a new locker at school. My most favorite part is on page 54 when Babymouse falls on the ice AGAIN. But she decides to stay lying down to save time. I should try that at home. I will tell Kathleen that I'm going to stay in bed and sleep so I can save time going to sleep again. I wonder what Kathleen will say. What do you think? Kathleen says she will tell me later today about her favorite parts of MONSTER MASH so be sure to check back this afternoon to read more about Babymouse.I hope to read some of your comments, too. Your Book Buddy,Sleepy Bear
Hi New Book Buddies and my Old Favorites!Last night was our first meeting at Mockingbird Books. Kathleen told me you had a really fun time. You talked about your favorite BABYMOUSE books and some of your other favorite books, too. Sue had a really fun time, too. Kathleen shared that her favorite BABYMOUSE book is Rock Star. She thinks the beginning of the story is the best part when Babymouse travels in a limousine to go to her concert. Except, it's only her daydream and she's really going to school! That would be really fun to ride in a limousine to school.Another girl shared her post-it notes about her BABYMOUSE book. That's a good idea to write down what you are thinking about when you are reading. I also write down tricky words or new magnet words.We made some decisions about our book club, just like the grownups do when they have a book club. We decided we would read more BABYMOUSE books for our next meeting. One girl chose Rock Star and Skater Girl. Kathleen chose Monster Mash and Beach Babe. We decided that for our next meeting we want to have pizza, cookies to munch on, and cold milk to help wash it all down! Yuuuuummmmmy!!! But remember, if you can't join us next month, that's OK! You can still read my blog every Thursday and I will have notes for you to read about our book club. And, if you have questions about your book, you can ask me, too, and I will do my very, very, best to help you. I'm really happy we have our new book club. I love to read and now I get to share books with some new friends. I hope to read your comments soon.Your Book Buddy,Sleepy Bear
Hi Book Buddies!Guess what? I'm starting a new book club. This one is for girls ages 6-10 (sorry boys, I'll have another book club just for you, too!). The bookstore in my neighborhood is helping me. It's called Mockingbird Books in Greenlake, Washington. This is their website address: http://mockingbirdbooksgl.com/A really nice lady who works at the bookstore is going to help me. Her name is Sue. This is her website address: http://www.suenevinsbookseller.com/bookgroups.html And of course, Kathleen will help me, too. This is her website address: http://www.kathleenhunterwrites.com/Our first meeting is on Wednesday May 20, 2009 at 7pm. So, girls, bring your favorite Baby Mouse book by Jennifer and Matthew Holm. We'll have fun talking about the books and then we can choose one for our next meeting.I'm really, really, really excited! I hope to see you at Mockingbird Books on Wednesday.Bye for now,Your Book Buddy,Sleepy Bear
Hi Book Buddies,WOW! The Spiderwick Chronicles was a really fun book. I'm very curious about what might happen next. I guess I will have to read the next book in the series to find out. But first, I want to tell you about two new words. The first one is sconce on page 98 and the second one is ire on page 104. I read the picture for sconce and I think it is a light that hangs on the wall. Kathleen has two in her library at home. There is one on each side of the fireplace.I don't know what ire means so I will have to look that one up in the dictionary.I'm glad for Jared that his sister and brother are finally believing him that he didn't cause all the problems in the house. Well, what should we do? Should we read the next book in the series or try something new? Let me know what you think.Your Book Buddy,Sleepy Bear
Hi Book Buddies,I read chapter 5 this morning so I wouldn't be scared when I went to bed, just in case there were scary parts. On page 65 Simon reminds me of me because I like to read, just like he does. And Jared reminds me of Moosey-Moose because he mostly gets into trouble. That reminds me, I need to ask Moosey-Moose if he's reading The Spiderwick Chronicles.I'm very curious about the faeries. I wonder if they are like Tinker Bell? OK, now chapter 6 has more tricky words for me. On page 83 there are two! The first one is "luminous" and the second one is "soliloquy." I don't know what they mean and I can barely pronounce them. I hope you can help me learn what they mean.I feel sorry for Jared. He is getting blamed for all the bad stuff the boggart is doing. And I feel really sorry for him that his dad left and everyone thinks he is doing bad things because of that. I know if my dad left I would be angry, but I don't think Jared should get blamed for stuff he didn't do.One more chapter left!Your Book Buddy,Sleepy Bearps - should we read another picture book next time?
Hi Book Buddies,Uh oh! I read chapter 4 and now I'm a little scared to go to sleep. I forgot that I need read in the daylight. You must think I'm a real scaredy bear. But I'm not. Well, maybe just a little bit. Don't tell Moosey-Moose or he might tease me.I think Jared is really brave. But I don't think his brother and sister think he's brave. I think they just make him do the stuff they don't want to do. Like ride in the dumbwaiter. I wonder what is a Victrola? It's on page 51. And I want to know what embossed means. That word is on page 55. Can you help me learn the definitions?I'm going to read chapter 5 in the morning.Bye for now,Your Book Buddy,Sleepy Bear
Hi Book Buddies!Sorry I have not written in a few days. My internet was not working. I think the wind and the rain did something to the wires. But Kathleen called the internet people and now it is working again. I'm glad because I really missed writing to you.I'm happy you are liking The Spiderwick Chronicles. I thought it was really funny on page 24 when Simon said the squirrel was being nutty. Get it? Squirrels, eat nuts and he was being nutty! On page 29 is the picture of Jared inside the dumbwaiter. He looks a little scared. I would be scared, too. But I bet Moosey-Moose would like it!I wonder what the poem means on page 34. Do you have any predictions?These are my magnet words: erratically on page 28 and ascent on page 28. Can you tell me what they mean?Let's read chapters 4, 5 and 6 this week.Your Book Buddy,Sleepy Bear