I am so excited to start a new book. This time I chose a picture book. This book is special to me because it's about a bear, just like me. Well, he's not exactly like me, but he's a bear.
This reminds me. Kathleen also writes books. You can read the first two chapters of her book on her website. The book is called Shoes, Boys 'n BFFs. Here's the link to her website: www.KathleenHunterWrites.com I read the chapters and I think they are really funny! Be sure to let her know how much you liked them, too.
Bye for now,
Your Book Buddy,
Sleepy Bear
Hi Sleeepy bear this is your friend celina and I am so exsited about the new book were reading for the book club . I looks like a good book by looking at the cover. And Kathleen said that you and Moosey-Moose went to Calofornia and you two went tom the beach I hope you had a fun time there. I remembered last time I went to the beach I sliped on seaweed. And my uncel to he was playing in the water with my bayby brother it was fun there. Well I have to go now so bi bi .
P.S Chat with you later.-celina
dear sleepy bear i hope are book is realy grate. and i realy the best.and do you miss new york.and did you know that i have a first baseball game and i dont know were it is but at lees i have the first baseball game.and have you been on the tallest tower in new york ny city?so were are you going next in the united states of america?and is twelve times twelve=145 or 148? sincerely kareem ps. wat is your favorite movie called?
hi sleepy bear there is a book called IN TO THE LAND OF UNICORNS
i think you should read it for your next book club.
dear sleep bear today is the first dayt to bolg. i leak to bolg you everyday. did you remenber what is you book is about. do you help moosey moose when he want to the calofornia. did he help you went tom the beach. Ihope you had afun time by see you anther day
Dear Sleepy Bear how is the book club going. i hope you havea fantaskit day.
dear sleepy bear how is youer book club going and how is youer garden bye for now.
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