Hi Book Buddies,
How do you like reading about Patches? I felt really sad when Patches was tied up in the garage. He was howling and he couldn't even reach his water bowl! It's a good thing Charles and Sammy found him and untangled his leash. I think Charles is right about it being against the law to treat animals like that. I have a prediction. I think Lizzie, Charles's sister will find out and then Charles and Lizzie will adopt Patches!I'm going to start reading chapter 3 now. I hope you write back soon.Your Book Buddy,Sleepy Bear
Hi, Book Buddies,I want to say hello to my new Book Buddy. His name is Drake. Hi, Drake! I really like the Magic Tree House books, too. But I haven't read the one about leprechauns. Is it number 43? I hope you can get a copy of the book at the library. Let me know if you do and I will read with you. I hope you can write again soon.I also want to say hi to Liz. Yes, I really liked reading the BABY MOUSE book. Thank you for letting me read it. I hope you are enjoying CLEMENTINE.Well, I'm going to read some more of my PUPPY PLACE book. Your Book Buddy,Sleepy Bear
Hi Book Buddies,
Do you remember last summer when we read four different PUPPY PLACE books? Well, I liked them so much that I wanted to read another one. I chose PATCHES. Patches is a beagle and he needs a new home so Charles and Lizzie are going to do their best to help him.Oh, if you didn’t get to read the PUPPY PLACE books with me before, I’ll tell you a little bit about them. They are about a family named the Petersons and Charles and Lizzie are brother and sister. They are a foster family for puppies. That means they take care of the puppies until they can find a permanent home for them. There is always an adventure that happens, especially because the Petersons also have a dog of their own named Buddy and the foster puppies and Buddy don’t always get along.
I can’t wait to start reading. I hope you like this book and I especially hope you write back to me.
Your Book Buddy,
Sleepy Bear
Hi Book Buddies,
This is the book I just finished reading. It's called BABYMOUSE DRAGONSLAYER. I learned some big math words in this book, like algorithm. The story is about Baby Mouse who joins the Mathletes math club at her school. But if you know Babymouse, she does not like math. To her solving math problems is like slaying dragons. I won't tell you how it ends, but I think you will like it!I need to choose a new book for my book club. Do you have any suggestions? Should we read another Puppy Place book? Or maybe a Magic Tree House book? Write to me and tell me what you want to read next.Your book buddy,Sleepy Bear
Hi Book Buddies,Liz let me borrow her BABYMOUSE DRAGONSLAYER book. Do you remember reading BABYMOUSE last summer? That was fun! I want to have a school locker like Babymouse. There is always an adventure inside. If you read this book, look on page 25. The room number is 9 3/4. I wonder how a room can be numbered like that. Do you know?I learned a new word, too. It's nefarious on page 39. It means wicked and despicable.I'm going to make a cup of hot cocoa with whippy cream and read some more.Your book buddy,Sleepy Bear
Hi Book Buddies, I finished reading this book! It has a really surprising ending. It has two surprise endings! But I won't tell you in case you are not finished reading the book. I had a lot of favorite parts in this book. One was when they took a bath in the fountain inside the museum! That sounds like a very unusual thing to do, but fun! I also liked the part when they had to hide in the bathrooms and Jamie almost got caught by the moving men. I was scared for him. What was your favorite part?I also liked this book because I learned a lot about Michelangelo and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I want to go back to New York City!Time to choose a new book! What should we read next?Your Book Buddy,Sleepy Bear
Hi Book Buddies,
Claudia and Jamie are almost at the end of solving their mystery! I liked going to the library with them and reading about them walking around New York City! Did you know that I was at the same library in New York City? If you read my blog for March 2009 you can read all about my vacation in New York City.Did you know that Mrs. Hunter reads The New York Times every day? On Sundays the paper is super thick. I like to look at the pictures while she reads.Well, back to the story. I think it is very clever that Claudia and Jamie noticed the circles on the velvet with the letter "M". That proves the angel belongs to Michelangelo! Oh, here is a site if you want to learn more about Michelangelo. http://www.wga.hu/frames-e.html?/bio/m/michelan/biograph.htmlAnd, here is a refrigerator word: inconspicuous on page 55. Be sure to look it up in the dictionary if you don't know what it means.I'm going to read some more. Let's finish the book this weekend.Let me know what you want to read next!Your Book Buddy,Sleepy Bear
Hi Book Buddies,Do you like the book?
I'm liking it a lot. It's a good adventure and mystery story. I have never been to the Metropolitan Museum of Art but I have been to New York City.
Here's a link to the museum: http://www.metmuseum.org/I'm on chapter 4. I read more than I said I would because I like to book so much, I just kept on reading! I like the map of the museum on page 48 and 49. Let's read all the way to chapter 7 this week. And don't forget to write your refrigerator words.Moosey-Moose has new friends on his blog all the way from Scotland. I hope they join my book club and read with us, too. That would be super fun!Your Book Buddy,Sleepy Bear