Hello Book Buddies!
I'm reading another one of my most favorite Christmas books. It's called MERRY CHRISTMAS CURIOUS GEORGE. I like George. I think he has a big heart, like me! But he gets into lots of trouble, like Moosey-Moose! Uh oh, don't tell Moosey-Moose I said that.I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday season in case you don't celebrate Christmas. I'll write some more later.Bye for now,Sleepy Bear
Hi Book Buddies,
It's my favorite time of the year which means it is time to read one of my favorite Christmas books again. MR WILLOWBY'S CHRISTMAS TREE is a really great story. Kathleen even read it when she was a little girl! That's super cool. Oh wait! Before I get started, I need to make my cup of hot chocolate with lots of whippy cream. I'll be back in a little bit. I hope you read along with me.Your book buddy,Sleepy Bear
Hi Friends,Grace asked me if I am a bear that hibernates. Well, I do sleep a lot but I don't hibernate. But if you ask Moosey-Moose he would probably disagree with me because he doesn't think I do anything except sleep. I do lots of things, like I read books. I do chores. I make hot cocoa with whippy cream, I bake brownies. Oh, that reminds me. Grace gave me a recipe for banana cocoa! Maybe I'll try making that this weekend.Well, I have to go now. Bye,Sleepy Bear