Hi Friends,Look at all the nifty words I made with my SCRABBLE letters!
Moosey-Moose was not in a very good mood. I think he thought he was going to win, especially after I lost a turn with my word ARES. I don't feel bad about losing that turn. I learned something new.
But, after a few more rounds. Guess what? Yeppers! I WON!!!! And do you remember what happens now? OK, I'll tell you. Moosey-Moose has to do all my chores for one whole entire month! I think he needs to start with feeding the birds. Their bird feeders are completely empty.
Moosey-Moose is kind of grumpy. I think he thought he was going to win for sure. He was even planning his next adventure. I guess he'll have to wait to do that.
Now, what will I do with all my free time?
Bye for now,
Sleepy Bear